RECCO Technology

In case of avalanches and emergencies or if lost in the outdoors RECCO rescue reflectors make you searchable by organized rescue teams searching with RECCO detectors.


RECCO technology makes you searchable by organized rescue to find and help you faster when lost in the outdoors or in case of an avalanche.

The RECCO detector, used by rescuers, sends a directional radar signal, which is reflected back by the RECCO rescue reflector in your gear, leading rescuers to your location. RECCO reflectors require no power.

RECCO detectors are a standard rescue tool for rescue teams and ski patrollers worldwide. RECCO SAR helicopter detectors are new and used in a growing number of countries.

RECCO technology makes you searchable to professional rescuers in the event of an avalanche accident or if lost in the outdoors.The reflectors do not replace personal transceivers and companion rescue but don’t needto be turned on and provide a back-up to always be searchable to professional rescuers. 


RECCO Technology

A RECCO reflector built into clothing or gear provides a way to be searchable by professional rescue teams with RECCO detectors. The RECCO technology is a global standard for avalanche rescue and handheld detectors are carried by professional rescue teams worldwide. RECCO SAR Helicopter Detectors are also used from air to scan large areas fast for a missing person. The reflectors do not replace personal transceivers and companion rescuebut don’t need to be turned on and provide a back-up to always be searchable to professional rescuers.

RECCO technology makes you searchable to professional rescuers in the event of an avalanche accident or when lost in the outdoors. Wearing gear equipped with RECCO® reflectors enables professional rescuers to locate you with RECCO detectors. The technology is a two-part system, the detector sends out a directional radar signal once it hits the RECCO reflector the signal is echoed back and directs the rescuer to your location. The RECCO technology is a global standard for avalanche rescue and handheld detectors are carried by professional rescue teams worldwide. Detectors are also used from air to scan large areas fast for a missing person. The reflectors do not replace personal avalanchetransceivers and companion rescue but don’t need tobe turned on and provide a back-up to always be searchable to professional rescuers.

RECCO technology makes you searchable to professional rescuers in the event of an avalanche accident or when lost in the outdoors. Wearing gear equipped with RECCO reflectors enables professional rescuers to locate you with RECCO detectors. The technology is a two-part system, the detector sends out a directional radar signal like the beam of a flash light. Once the beam of the signal hits the RECCO reflector the signal is echoed back and directs the rescuer to your location.

The RECCO technology is a global standard and handheld detectors are carried by professional rescue teams worldwide for avalanche rescue. In addition, RECCO SAR helicopter detectors are used to scan large areas from air to locate a missing person in the outdoors. The RECCO SAR helicopter detectors have been released in 2015 and are operative at the moment at certain areas in the Alps, North America and Scandinavia. More areas are added constantly.

It is important to note that RECCO reflectors DO NOT substitute the tools necessary for companion rescue; avalanche transceivers, probe and shovel. They are a simple additional tool for everyone to always be searchable to professional rescuers.

RECCO technology makes you searchable to professional rescuers in the event of an avalanche accident or when lost in the outdoors. Wearing gear equipped with RECCO reflectors enables professional rescuers to locate you with RECCO detectors. The technology is a two-part system, the detector sends out a directional radar signal like the beam of a flash light. Once the beam of the signal hits the RECCO reflector the signal is echoed back and directs the rescuer to your location.

RECCO handheld detectors, first introduced in 1983, are utilized today as a standard tool for avalanche rescue by mountain rescuers worldwide and are used at more than 800 ski resorts and mountain rescue organizations in 27 countries. The recently introduced RECCO SAR helicopter detector, was designed to scan large areas fast for a missing person in the outdoors. It has been deployed and is operative at several locations in the Alps, North America and Scandinavia, with the goal to increase coverage globally and add constantly more countries and areas to the list. (Check for the latest coverage info on the RECCO system)

For the user the RECCO reflector offers a simple solution to always be searchable. The reflector is a small passive transponder that weighs less than four grams. It is factory mounted permanently to clothing and gear

that is unlikely to be torn off in the event of an avalanche or other accident. It is a non-powered device meaning that it never needs to be switched on, will never loose signal strength and needs no batteries to function. It is maintenance free and has a virtually unlimited lifespan.

RECCO technology is not intended for companion rescue nor is it an alternative to transceiver use in the backcountry. Complementary in function to an avalanche transceiver it is an additional tool for organized rescue teams to locate avalanche burials electronically. The RECCO technology gives professional rescuers another tool and provides skiers and snowboarders with one more chance to be found in time.

RECCO technology makes you searchable to professional rescuers in the event of an avalanche accident or when lost in the outdoors. Wearing gear equipped with RECCO reflectors enables professional rescuers to locate you with RECCO detectors. The technology is a two-part system, the detector sends out a directional radar signal like the beam of a flash light. Once the radar beam hits the RECCO reflector the signal is echoed back and directs the rescuer to your location.

RECCO handheld detectors, first introduced in 1983, are utilized today as a standard tool for avalanche rescue by mountain rescuers worldwide and are used at more than 800 ski resorts and mountain rescue organizations in 27 countries. The recently introduced RECCO SAR helicopter detector, was designed to scan large areas fast for a missing person in the outdoors. It has been deployed and is operative at several locations in the Alps, North America and Scandinavia, with the goal to increase coverage globally and add constantly more countries and areas to the list. (Check for the latest coverage info on the RECCO system)

For the user the RECCO reflector offers a simple solution to always be searchable. The reflector is a small band- aid sized, passive electronic transponder that weighs less than four grams. It is factory mounted permanently to clothing and gear that is unlikely to be torn off in the event of an avalanche or other accident. This ensures the reflector can't be left in the car, stashed mistakenly in the lodge or forgotten at home. It is a non-powered device meaning that it never needs to be switched on, will never loose signal strength and needs no batteries to function. It is maintenance free and has a virtually unlimited lifespan.

The RECCO technology itself was invented by Magnus Granhed with the cooperation of Stockholm's Royal Institute of Technology in response to his personal experience with an avalanche tragedy in the late 1970s. In 1983 the first working detector and reflector were presented and since then the system has proven itself effective in avalanche rescue and has been adopted globally by ski resorts, helicopter skiing operations, and search and rescue organizations as an additional and important tool for avalanche rescue.

When it comes to avalanche safety in general it is important to understand that RECCO technology is only a small part of the bigger picture of actions and equipment to minimize risk for the user. RECCO technology is not intended for companion rescue nor is it an alternative to the use of an avalanche transceiver in the backcountry. RECCO is a tool for organized rescue, which means it will always take the time till rescuers are onsight. That’s why companion rescue with transceiver, probe and shovel always comes first and is mandatory in the backcountry and off-piste. However organized rescue will always apply all tools available and use both transceivers and RECCO technology. If there is no transceiver signal, the RECCO system is the only way to find someone fast electronically.

For those who are going off-piste and into the backcountry, the RECCO reflector provides a backup if the companion rescue fails or there is no transceiver signal. For people staying inbounds and not going off-piste and usually not using transceiver, shovel and probe, but still end up in avalanche risk areas the RECCO reflector is the only tool to be searchable. Sometimes people end up in avalanche terrain unintentionally and without realizing it. RECCO reflectors are small and relative cost efficient so that everyone can easily use one. Think of the RECCO systemlike an electronic avalanche dog and the reflector in your gear enables the “dog” to “smell”you.


RECCO - Bullet Points ENG – DEU - FRA - SPA - ITA - RUS - JPN - ZHO

The RECCO reflector in this product enables rescue profes- sionals to locate you with RECCO detectors in the event of an avalanche accident or when lost in the outdoors.

Der RECCO Reflektor in diesem Produkt ermöglicht es von Ret- tungskräften mittels RECCO Detektor bei einem Lawinenunfall oder Sucheinsatz im freien Gelände punktgenau geortet zu werden.

Le réflecteur RECCO dans ce produit permet aux secouristes pro- fessionels de vous localiser à l’aide de détecteurs RECCO en cas d’accident d’avalanche ou lorsque vous êtes perdu dans la nature.

El reflector RECCO de este producto, permite a los profesionales de rescate equipados con detectores encontrarle en caso de acci- dente de avalancha o en caso de pérdida en una zona remota.

Il riflettore RECCO contenuto in questo prodotto permette alle organizzazioni di soccorso professionale di rintracciarvi con i detettori RECCO in caso di incidente da valanga o di smarrimento nell ́outdoor.

ОтражательRECCO, являющийся частью этого продукта, позволяет профессиональным спасателям обнаружить вас при помощи детекторовRECCOв случае чрезвычайной ситуации или схода лавины, либо если вы потеряетесь на открытом пространстве.

本製品に装着されているRECCOリフレクターによって、雪崩事故や野 外での遭難の際に遭難救助のプロの方々がRECCOディテクターで位置 を特定できるようになります。

当你遭遇雪崩事故和迷失在户外时,本产品内部的RECCO反射器使专业 的营救人员能用RECCO探测器定位到你。

- RECCO reflectors require no power and no activation to function. Multiple reflectors are recommended for optimal performance.

- RECCO Reflektoren funktionieren ohne Batterien und Aktivi- erung. Mehrere Reflektoren werden für eine optimale Signalrefle- ktion empfohlen.

- Les réflecteurs RECCO ne nécéssitent pas d’activation ni de piles pour fonctionner. Il est recommandé de porter plusieurs réflecteurs pour une détection optimale.

- Los reflectores RECCO no requieren activación ni baterías para funcionar. RECCO recomienda el uso de múltiples reflectores para la óptima detección.

- I riflettori RECCO non richiedono né batteria né attivazione per funzionare. Raccomandiamo di indossare almeno due riflettori per una prestazione ottimale del sistema.

-ОтражателямRECCOдля функционирования не требуется питание или активация. Для опти мальной продуктивности рекомендуется использовать несколько отражателей.

- RECCOリフレクターは電源を必要とせず、スイッチを入れる必要もあ りません。効果を高める為には複数のリフレクターの使用が望まれま す。

- RECCO反射器无需能量和激活便能发挥功能。推荐配备多个反射器以 获得最佳性能。

- RECCO detectors are used by rescue professionals worldwide. Visit to view the complete list.

- RECCO Detektoren werden weltweit von Rettungskräften ver- wendet. Eine komplette Liste aller Gebiete finden Sie auf

- Les détecteurs RECCO sont utilisés par les secouristes professio- nels à travers le monde (voir la liste complète sur

- Los detectores RECCO son utilizados por los equipos de rescate en todo el mundo (ver lista completa en )

- I detettori RECCO sono utilizzati in tutto il mondo da soccorritori professionisti. Visitate il sito per visionare la lista comple- ta delle organizzazioni.

-ДетекторыRECCOиспользуются профессиональными спасателями всего мира. Чтобы ознакомиться с полным описанием, посетите веб-сайт

- RECCOディテクターは世界中の遭難救助のプロによって使われていま す。詳しいリストはrecco.comをご覧ください。

- RECCO探测器被全球范围内的专业营救人员使用。请访问recco.com以 查看完整的列表。


ENG – RECCO technology does not prevent avalanches or guaran- tee the survival or localization of a victim or lost person. Knowledge and common sense are the best ways to avoid accidents. Always respect safety rules and regulations.

DEU – Die RECCO Technologie kann keine Lawinenverschüttung verhindern und weder das Überleben noch die Ortung eines Lawi- nenopfers oder einer vermissten Person garantieren. Die Verhal- tensregeln im alpinen Gelände müssen immer beachtet werden.

FRA – La technologie RECCO ne protège pas des avalanches ni ne garantit la survie ou la localisation d’une victime ou d’une personne perdue. La connaissance et le bons sens sont les meilleurs outils pour éviter les accidents. Respectez toujours les règles de sécurité.

SPA – La tecnología RECCO no previene los accidentes de ava- lanchas ni garantiza la supervivencia ni la ubicación de la víctima

o persona perdida. La información y el sentido común son la mejor manera de prevenir accidentes. Respete siempre las normas de seguridad y reglamentaciones.

ITA – La tecnologia RECCO non previene valanghe né garantisce la sopravvivenza o la localizzazione della vittima o della persona che si é smarrita. Conoscenza e buon senso sono gli strumenti migliori per evitare incidenti. Rispettate sempre le norme e le regole relative alla sicurezza.

RUS –ТехнологииRECCOне могут предотвратить сход лавин или гарантировать выживание или обнаружение пострадавших и потерявшихся людей. Опыт и здравый смысл — лучший способ избежать несчастного случая. Необходимо всегда соблюдать правила безопасности.

JPN–RECCOの技術は雪崩を防ぐものでも、遭難者や遭難被害者の 位置の特定を保障するものでもありません。知識と常識を持つ事が事 故予防には最も有効です。常に安全規定と規則を重視した行動を心掛 けてください。

ZHO – RECCO技术不能防止雪崩或者保证遇难者或者迷失者的幸存和定 位。知识和常识是避免意外的最佳途径。请总是尊重安全条例和规则。

RECCO TECHNOLOGY is not a substitute for an avalanche transceiver.

Die RECCO TECHNOLOGIE ersetzt kein Lawinenverschütteten-Suchgerät. La TECHNOLOGIE RECCO ne dispense pas du port d’un DVA.

La TECNOLOGIA RECCO no es un substituto de un tranceptor de avalanchas. La TECNOLOGIA RECCO non sostituisce l ́artva.